SEO and Accessibility Don’t Have to Fight Each Other

trustrumAccessibility, SEO, Web Design, Writing and EditingLeave a Comment

SEO and accessibility don't have to fight

SEO and Accessibility Can Work Together SEO and accessibility are two different aspects of web design and content creation, both of which are still evolving. As they do so, companies are struggling to make SEO and accessibility work together in harmony. Such woes will become more prevalent as accessibility is increasingly regulated. Arguably the most common misunderstanding is that SEO … Read More

Landing Pages: a Secret of Self-Publishing Success

trustrumMarketing, WebsiteLeave a Comment

Marketing Landing Pages

Like many small business owners who rely upon their online presence to get the word out about their product, small press publishing and self-publishing authors are largely unaware of what landing pages are, let alone how to use them. So, let’s start by explaining what landing pages are before we dive into why you need them.

Your Small Business Website Looks Better than it Works

trustrumMarketing, SEO, News, WebsiteLeave a Comment

Small Business Website Frustration

A small business website must be many things if it is to be considered successful, be it for a small press publishing company (yo!), online retailer, daycare, or anything else, really. Some of the particulars of these factors will differ from one business to the next, as a balance between functionality, usability, marketability, and necessity is sought, but there will always be some features that all but universal, mechanically and operatively speaking.

Getting Noticed: the Power of the Ping

trustrumMarketing, SEO, Website1 Comment

Power of the Ping

So, you’ve just posted something on your blog you want to share. This could be a product release notice, a designer’s journal, an update on something you are writing, and so on. You get the idea — you want as many people to read your blog as possible, as soon as possible. The potential for your product or book to sell well and get noticed relies upon getting the word out. Once you click on the “Submit,” “Publish,” or equivalent button or link in your blog software, your words are sent out to the Internet for all to read, right?