Steven Trustrum’s Portfolio of Work
Steven Trustrum brings many skills to any job he works on. Work samples are categorized to make it easier for prospective clients to look at what is relevant to their projects. (You can also look at published works by Steven Trustrum or download Steven Trustrum Writing Samples (PDF).) If you like what you see, contact him about his rates.
Steven Trustrum Portfolio of Work Categories
Select a category filter to view a single type of work from Steven Trustrum.
Note: Images are 72 or 150 dpi for faster loading and mobile use, meaning they are low resolution. Some detail may be lost and blurriness occurs that is not representative of the original, final work.
User Experience / Technical Writing
Monsters & Superheroes Art Coloring
Martial Arts/Modern-Era Art Coloring
Fantasy Art Coloring
SpirosBlaak Savage Worlds Edition
Armageddon: Enemies Archived, Revised & Expanded
Role-Playing Game Forms
Armageddon: Armed Force
SpirosBlaak Savage Worlds Edition
This is an in-progress update and conversion of the d20 SpirosBlaak setting to Savage Worlds. I wrote it, will be its publisher, and did the interior design and layout. I created the page background from scratch in Illustrator and Photoshop. I also colored the original B/W illustrations
Thanks for looking at the varied portfolio of Steven Trustrum.