Steven Trustrum, Published Works
The published works of Steven Trustrum are extensive. He has contributed to a wide variety of projects and products over the years. To make browsing his catalog easier, these projects have been broken down by publisher.
This catalog merely lists summarized information regarding the various publications Steven Trustrum has worked on, as well as his role(s) with each.
Misfit Studios
Armageddon, the End Times Role-Playing Game (licensed from Eden Studios)
- Armageddon the End Times, Enemies Archived; writer, cover design, production, co-publisher; currently available
- Armageddon: Armed Force; writer, cover design, production, co-publisher; currently available
- DOOM (ICONS Version); writer, cover design, production, publisher; currently available
Mutants & Masterminds 2nd Edition, Superlink
- Mutants & Masterminds The Paint; cover design, production, publisher; currently available
Metahuman Martial Arts; writer, colouring, production, publisher; currently available
- Better Mousetrap; cover, writer, production, colouring assistance, publisher; currently available
- Superior Synergy: Superheroic; cover design, writer, publisher; currently available
- Your World No Longer; cover design, writer, colouring, production, publisher; currently available
- Metahuman Mystics & Supernatural Supers 2; cover, writer, some colouring, production, publisher; currently available
- Misfits & Menaces: Mixed Villains; cover design, writer, colouring, production, publisher; currently available
- Do-Gooders & Daredevils: Oddities; cover design, writer, colouring, production, publisher; currently available
- Misfits & Menaces: Doom; cover design, writer, colouring, production, publisher; currently available
- Misfits & Menaces: Tricks & Treats; writer, colouring, production, publisher; currently available
- Do-Gooders & Daredevils: Good I$ Capitili$m; writer, colouring, production, publisher; currently available
- Do-Gooders & Daredevils: Champions; writer, colouring, production, publisher; currently available
- Misfits & Menaces: Archenemies; writer, colouring, production, publisher; currently available
- The Four Color Deck; writer, designer, colouring, production, publisher; currently available
- Misfits & Menaces: Cosmic Threats; writer, colouring, production, publisher; currently available
- Misfits & Menaces Collection 1; writer, colouring, production, publisher; currently available
- Do-Gooders & Daredevils Collection 1; writer, colouring, production, publisher; currently available
Odyssey Prime (OGL Modern / Unisystem)
- Odyssey Prime; co-publisher, co-developer, co-author, some art direction, additional graphic design, layout, I was also a model for one of the interior art pieces; currently available
- Odyssey Prime: Southern Discomfort; co-publishers, editing, maps, layout; currently available
OGL Barbarian
OGL Barbarian: The Hawkeye; writer, production, publisher; currently available
- OGL Barbarian: The Sea Devil; writer, production, publisher; currently available
- OGL Barbarian: The Child of Set; writer, production, publishers; currently available
- OGL Barbarian: The Deep Wilder; writer, production, publisher; currently available
- OGL Barbarian: The Barbaric Warrior; cover design, writer, production, publisher; currently available
- OGL Barbarian: Barbaric Treasures; cover design, writer, production, publisher; currently available
- OGL Barbarian: The Barbaric Sorcerer; cover design, writer, production, publisher; currently available
OGL Fantasy
- The Conjurer: The Core Specialist Wizard; author/publisher; currently available
- The Diviner: The Core Specialist Wizard;author/publisher; currently available
- The Abjurer: The Core Specialist Wizard; author/publisher; currently available
- The Illusionist: The Core Specialist Wizard; author/publisher; currently available
- The Enchanter: The Core Specialist Wizard; author/publisher; currently available
- The Transmuter: The Core Specialist Wizard; author/publisher; currently available
- The Evoker: The Core Specialist Wizard; author/publisher; currently available
- The Necromancer: The Core Specialist Wizard; author/publisher; currently available
- Unusual Core Classes: The Spellweaver; author/publisher; currently available
- Superior Synergy: Fantasy; author/publisher; currently available
OGL Modern
- Modern Misfit: Pleasant Glades; editor/graphic design/cover art/publisher; currently available
- Modern Misfit: Storming Heaven’s Shores; editor/graphic design/cover art/publisher; currently available
- Superior Synergy: Modern and Future; author/publisher; currently available
- Modern Misfit: The Painting; editor/additional writing/cartography/graphic design/cover art/publisher; currently available
- The Spellweaver — PFRPG Edition; editor/writer/design/coloring/publisher; currently available
- Superior Synergy Fantasy — PFRPG Edition; editor/writer/design/coloring/publisher; currently available
- The Bestiary of GOP, Grand Ol’ Predators; editor/writer/design/coloring/publisher; currently available
- Bite Me! Wereblooded; publisher; currently available
- Forces of Darkens Zunirei of the Thousand Eyes; publisher; currently available
- Bite Me! Playing Lycanthropes; publisher; currently available
- Bite Me! Skindancers; publisher; currently available
- You’re Gonna Die Screaming, An Optimization Guide for Commoners; editor/layout/publisher; currently available
Atlas Games
Penumbra Bestiary; Steven Trustrum contributions: Abroa, Leaf Trapper, Lure Tree, Possessed Construct; out of print
- Uncommon Character; Steven Trustrum contributions: Bezmurn the Befuddled, Geoff Fireborne, The Ghost Knight, Lady Minra Starflight, Morag Glimwish (and all related materials, such as magic items, feats, and prestige classes); out of print
Bad Axe Games
- Grim Tales; Steven Trustrum contributions: I helped playtest the firearm rules, proof read some of the manuscript, and wrote the firearms web primer
Heroes of High Favor: Elves; Steven Trustrum contributions: Feats: Feathered Step, Improved Weapon Finesse, Living Structure, Moon Runner, Pulse of the Wilds, Tree Stepper, Will of the Wilds; Crafting: Arcane Conductor, Seeking, Arrow Resiliency, Hardened; Other: I designed most of the flavor text for the prestige classes and wrote the section on role-playing elves; currently available
I was also the primary author on an unreleased sourcebook, Heroes of High Favor: Gnomes, that I was never paid for.
Black Powder Games (now out of business)
Wetwar; Steven Trustrum contributions: additional editing, graphic design, layout; no longer available
- Bandit Dawn; Steven Trustrum contributions: editor, graphic design, layout; no longer available
This company was not around long after I did the work for them. No idea what happened to them or why they stopped selling their product when they did. They are not, so far as I’m aware, associated with the video game company that now uses the same name.
BBRACK Productions
Promised Sands; Steven Trustrum contributions: assistant Editor (basically, while working with the raw manuscript as a resource for my own work on an unprinted follow-up sourcebook, I pointed out a bunch of mistakes and made a suggestion here and there.); out of print but available
This company is no longer in business in this incarnation. The owner has, however, continued work with new partners under a new name, and is re-releasing Promised Sands for a new role-playing game rule set.I also wrote much of an unreleased product that I was never paid for.
Eden Studios
- Armageddon the End Times, Enemies Archived; writer, cover design, production, co-publisher; currently available
- Armageddon: Armed Force; writer, cover design, production, publisher; currently available
- Odyssey Prime; co-publisher, co-developer, co-author, some art direction, additional graphic design, layout, I was also a model for one of the interior art pieces; currently available
- Odyssey Prime: Southern Discomfort; co-publishers, editing, maps, layout; currently available
Goodman Games
- Dragonmech: Steam Warriors; Steven Trustrum contributing author: wrote several of the prestige classes, much of the equipment and weapons, many of the feats, and created the tik’tok; currently available
Green Ronin
DC Adventures RPG Heroes & Villains Volume 1; Steven Trustrum contributing author: Brotherhood of Evil, Captain Boomerang I, Captain Boomerang II, Deadman, Dr. Light I, Dr. Light II, Fatal Five; currently available
- DC Adventures RPG Heroes & Villains Volume 2; Steven Trustrum contributing author: Major Force, the Manhunters (robots), Monarch and Forerunner, the Teen Titans (the team entry and accompanying characters, not all Teen Titans elsewhere in the book); currently available
- Dezzavold: Fortress of the Drow; Steven Trustrum co-author, cartography roughs; currently available
- SpirosBlaak; Steven Trustrum primary author, co-developer; currently available
Hero Games
- Digital Hero #3 (e-zine); Steven Trustrum contributing author: Ways of the Wicked article; currently available
Khepera Publishing
- GODSEND Agenda: Superlink; Superlink conversions, re-writes, re-design, additional editing; currently available
- GODSEND Agenda: Godmaker; Superlink conversions; currently available
Palladium Books
Heroes Unlimited, 2nd Edition; Steven Trustrum contributing author: Alter Physical Structure: Smoke or Mist, Undeath aspect of the Mega-Hero; currently available
- Rifter #1; Steven Trustrum contributing author: Alter Physical Structure: Astral, Alter Physical Structure: Smoke/ Mist, Control Density, Undeath; out of print but available
- Rifter #2; Steven Trustrum contributing author: Wormwood: The Blood Shaman; out of print but available
- Rifter #3; Steven Trustrum contributing author: The Spatial Mage; out of print but available
- Rifter #4; Steven Trustrum contributing author: Tribes of the Moon (pt. 1); out of print but available
- Rifter #5; Steven Trustrum contributing author: Spatial Mage Additions, Tribes of the Moon (pt. 2); out of print but available
- Powers Unlimited 1; Steven Trustrum contributing author: the Control Density power. Some of the other powers in this book that aren’t credited to me seem … suspiciously similar to “home brew” powers I wrote as an amateur and had previously made available on this website (all of which were submitted to Palladium Books before they and I went our separate ways.) I had no input into how my original power was altered and I had no say in it being added to this book; out of print but available
University of Toronto Press
- Scarborough Fair XV: A Stone of Hope; Steven Trustrum contributing author: “What the Trees See” (poem), “Orchestra” (poem), “Little Red Riding Hood (the politically correct version)” (short story); out of print
- Scarborough Fair XVI: Zephyr; Steven Trustrum contributing author: “The Angels Cometh” (poem), The Histories (short story), “Conflict” (poem), “King of Thieves” (poem), editor and production; out of print
I went to U of T too. Small world! Anyway I remember you wrote a pdf of Vampires in the Night bane setting I think. Where could I find that? Thank you for your time. I love your work 🙂